Like many other businesses, over the last couple of years, we have experienced unprecedented levels of cost increases including our energy costs that more than doubled earlier last year.
We have tried to diversify by making new products, such as our buffalomi and buffeta, changing milking patterns, reducing mozzarella production days, and generally making efficiencies everywhere we could. However, as a consequence of the significant increases in costs, a reduction in milk volumes, and the additional capital investment required for future-proofing, the very difficult and sad decision has been made to close down our buffalo farming and dairy manufacturing from 31st December 2023.
We continue to look after the buffalo here on the farm whilst we are finding a new and happy home for them. It will be so sad to see them leave.
Our compost site remains fully operational and continues to take in greenwaste and produce compost and the hours remain the same. There are no anticipated changes to this enterprise.
Likewise, we will continue to host CarFest in 2024 and beyond which continues to raise over £1 million pounds every year for UK children’s charities.
We greatly appreciate your loyalty and support over the years we have worked together and we wish you all the very best in the future.